Thursday, January 14, 2010

RR: Gift

I am guilty of being addicted to applications on the iPhone/iPod Touch. So, as a both a app addict and a geek, you should see the look on my face when I found out that there are Japanese dating simulation games in the app store. One of which is called "Gift". What's best that game is in English. Then, my excitement faded quickly.

Three words: It's so boring! I was expecting something out of this, a naked Lolita, a picture of curry and something on fire. Something! Anything! It turns out that the dating simulation game I was playing is actually a visual novel, which is like a dating simulation game with more reading. But "Gift" is all reading and no game, and the text of the game is boring and it has a lot of spelling and grammar errors. I don't care if the game is a harem game or a game where I (if I were a boy) have sex with lots and lots of Japanese school-girls between the ages of 13-17, I want to play games and that's it!

It starts out in some guy's (that's you) childhood where he was tearfully separate with his sister while on a train station. I thought because they're parents are divorced, ergo, that would lead up with the two kids splitting up. Nope, it's not like that. Apparently, some guy's (again, that's you) mom died while giving birth to him and the sister in the story is like a foster sister by some strange way. Like any other romance in anime, manga and visual novel, your male character is surrounded and bombarded with various types of women. In "Gift", there's Tama, the older yet still younger-looking, cute scientist who looks twice as cute wearing glasses. Kirino, the extremely timid girl who is similar to Frau Bow from Gundam without the moxie in a sense that she comes to some guy's(remind you the final time, that's you) house to wake you up and cook your breakfast. Obviously, she has a crush on you. There's more girls in this harem story, but I'm had enough playing that game. I think there is the typical "Twilight Suzuka"-like girl. But the dialogue is so boring because your character is a pure idiot. He has no idea that the timid girl or the girl that is your foster sister is crushing on you.

Oh! Oh! Final note, you think mangas have the case of ellipsis (IE:...). This game has extreme case of the ellipsis in the world. Half the dialogue is just ellipsis either it's you or the girls you're interacting. Like to leave this review with this statement, "Gift" has pretty pictures of cute Lolita-like girls but not a great app game.

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